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Why Your Discovery Calls are Hurting Your Sales

Why Your Discovery Calls are Hurting Your Sales

Why are your Discovery Calls hurting your sales? Join the on-demand webinar with Peter Cohan and Joachim Van Erps for the answer!

What You’ll Learn

  • Sales tips to elevate your discovery call process
  • Insight into Peter Cohan's new "Ignition Demo" framework
  • Special offers and supplemental resources
  • and other tips and tricks for boosting your sales

The Speakers

  • Peter Cohan, Author, Speaker, & Principal @ Great Demo!
  • Joachim Van Erps, former Enterprise Sales EMEA @ Miro


About Demodesk

Demodesk is the sales meeting platform that enables every rep to become a top performer. Through coaching reps live, automating non-selling tasks, and reinforcing best practices, Demodesk helps customer-facing reps close more deals.

Learn more about Demodesk.


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